Re: More Proteinoid Information

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 01 Jun 1999 17:42:22 -0700

At 02:02 PM 6/1/99 EDT, Kevin wrote:
>I have to say that my impression of Art while reading this was that he was
>foaming at the mouth while writing it.

Maybe so, from all of the proteinoid microspheres I was choking on!

I encourage you again Kevin, just to try some of the experiments. They are
ridiculously simple to do, and you will be able to speak from first-hand
experience about the ease of production of microspheres. I know this, that
for many years Fox tried all kinds of combinations of amino acids before he
hit on one that worked. That chemists have been able to expand on his
repertory of tricks since is not surprising, but look how carefully they
have crafted the conditions for their reactions. It is not obvious in the
papers, but it will be obvious to you if you try to get a reaction without
having the appropriate "random" conditions.

I will be in the field for a month and will not be able to respond to your
comments until after I return in early July. So I will quit with this:
please try the reactions for yourself, not using the conditions others have
suggested starting with pure amino acids, but start with for example, the
mix of all of the chemicals produced in the Miller experiment for starters.
Let me know in July what your results were. Have a great day!