Re: Evolution's Imperative

Rich Daniel (
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:34:30 -0500 (EST)

> ...Evolutionists have no good answer for the lack of historical evidence of
> man's existence much beyond 5,000 years ago...

This is an argument I haven't heard before. I assume by "historical"
evidence you mean written history. Do you really think that Homo sapiens
is so smart that we must have invented writing within the first few years
of our existence (whether created or evolved)? This seems equivalent to
arguing that man can't be much older than the printing press, or the steam
engine, or the theory of quantum mechanics.

> [...]
> The Evolutionist digs desperately for any bone fragment that he can imagine
> is some sort of transitional form such as an ape/man...

Why do creationists disagree about whether Homo erectus was human?

Rich Daniel