Re: Evolution's Imperative

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 09:57:54 -0800

Kevin states:

>You are thinking in terms of three-dimensions; circles are two dimensional
>objects and pi is a two-dimensional constant. The line that illustrates a
>circle is, according to Euclidian geometry, dimensionless; i.e., it has no
>thickness. Therefore, one does not use the inner diameter of a circle to
>determine the outer circumference of a circle, because circles do not have
>"inner" and "outer" areas. Therefore, in the case of the bowl, if you use
>the inner diameter you must calculate the inner circumference, in order not
>to contradict Euclidian geometry. And the outer circumference must be based
>on the outer diameter, for the same reason. Even the ancient Hewbrews
>realized this.

3 is also the closest whole number to PI. I think you will have difficulty
demonstrating the use of decimal fractions in ancient Hebrew culture.

>Fecal pellets are not the same as the cud; any farmer can tell you that,
>even a creationist farmer. The cud is defined as food regurgitated from the
>first stomach to the mouth of a ruminant. It is not passed through the
>other three stomachs and the intestines to be excreted, then re-eaten. A
>cursory examination of a cud and a cow stool would demonstrate that they are
>not the same thing.
>Rabbits are not ruminants, so they have only the one stomach. They do not
>regurgitate their food, but allow it to pass on through the intestines to be
>excreted. Since much of the mass of a fecal pellet consistes of undigested
>food, rabbits re-ingest their pellets for further mastication and digestion
>to get as much nutrition out of it as possible. A comparison of a fecal
>pellet with a cow stool and a cud would show that a fecal pellet is far more
>like a cow stool than it is like a cud.
>I would suggest that Bill Gothard take a few basic biology courses before he
>makes any further claims about biological matters.

I thought that too, until I read an article years ago in the CNRS entitled
"Do rabbits Chew their Cud?" In the article the authors points out that
rabbits do indeed chew their cud, but they do so by a rather devious
process. The lagomorphs ingest vegetative material that would yield no
more nourishment to them than it would to us. THe rabbits then sequester
the material in the caecum where it is mixed with chyme and protozoa that
digest cellulose, that apparently live there. At a specific time each day,
the rabbits void anally a special pellet from the caecum which is this
digested material taken in fresh (grass, etc.). These pellets are then
ingested, masticated, and swallowed, whereupon they bypass the caecum, and
digestion is completed via the rectum in the normal manner.
Apparently science has finally caught up with what has been known for
centuries, not only in the Bible, but rabbit owners know that if these
pellets are lost to the rabbit (as by a wire cage floor), the rabbits will
not flourish.