Re: Evolution's Imperative (was Def'n of Science)

Kevin O'Brien (
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 17:06:15 -0700

>You are again bowing to the god Evolution here. Why should we believe
>that the God who inspired the writing of this Book; the One having the
>power to give eternal life to those who believe on him; should err in
>the matter of the order in which things were done? How can you possibly
>question this?

So I guess that when God says that the moon is a "light" like the sun, the
moon must really be a miniature star. How can you possibly question this?

So I guess that when God says that Joshua commanded the moon and the sun to
stand still, both actually move around the earth. How can you possibly
question this?

So I guess that when God says He holds all things together, gravity, the
strong nuclear force and electromagnetism must be false sciences. How can
you possibly question this?

So I guess that when God says He is the source for all illness and the
source for all curing, the germ theory of disease and immunology must be
false sciences as well. How can you possibly question this?

So I guess that when God says that Solomon had a circular tub built that was
thirty cubits in circumference and 10 cubits in diameter, the value of pi
must really be 3 (otherwise the circumference of a 10 cubit-diameter circle
would have been 31.5 cubits, or the diameter of a 30 cubit-circumference
circle would have been 9.5 cubits). How can you possibly question this?

So I guess that rabbits must chew the cud, insects must have only four legs
and bats must be birds, since God said so. How can you possibly question


Maybe the men who wrote the Bible believed these things and included them,
even though God would have known they were wrong. Since none of them would
have any significance for the message He wanted these men to convey, such
errors would have been irrelevant to Him.

Kevin L. O'Brien