Re: old dna

Kevin O'Brien (
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 11:37:55 -0700

Andrew wrote:

>Hi list,
>I was wondering if anyone has retrieved ancient DNA from amber insects or
>wooly mammaths or any old sources? Is this even possible? If some has been
>looked over what have we found that relates to evolution or maybe even the
>molecular clok rates.

Here are some review articles you might find interesting:

Hoss M. "Ancient DNA." _Horm Res_ (1995) 43:4, 118-120

Cano RJ. "Analysing ancient DNA." _Endeavour_ (1996) 20:4, 162-167

Audic S, Beraud-Colomb E. "Ancient DNA is thirteen years old." _Nat
Biotechnol_ (1997) 15:9, 855-858

Cooper A, Wayne R. "New uses for old DNA." _Curr Opin Biotechnol_ (1998)
9:1, 49-53.

They should have gobs of references you can review to give you a good
over-all picture of the state of the art so far.

Kevin L. O'Brien