RE: Early Cambrian & Phanerozoic

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 22:45:05 -0800

>This may work for phanerozoic bacteria, proterozoic metazoans and the early
>Cambrian fauna, but how does it work for the entire order of successional

Karen: It works (and is required) if there is rapid sedimentation all through the
geological record. The successive appearances record the succession of
burial, not of origin.

And absence of any mixing or "out of order" fossils

> until hundreds of mlllions of years later?

Karen: The concept of hundreds of millions of years is another matter! It's
based upon the premise that much sedimentation indicates much time, and
upon isotope ratios interpreted with that firmly in mind. Other
interpretations of the isotope ratios, invoked when the dates don't fit the
accepted timescale, may also apply when they do.

Please explain, the enormous evidence pointing to an old earth especially from the radiometric dating makes a young earth hard to support. What "other interpretations" of these ratios are there ?

If sedimentation was very rapid, the geological record does not represent
much time.

True, but that is contradicted by much of the evidence.

Karen: With rapid sedimentation, There's no need for multiple creation events.

Only more miracles to explain away the reality.