Rational Method for Identifying the Super Natural

Wesley R. Elsberry (welsberr@inia.cls.org)
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 11:52:01 -0600 (CST)

Shinrichs9@aol.com writes:


SH> A crucial logical principle used in Science is proof by
SH>elimination. If all possible hypothesis except for one can be
SH>objectively eliminated or falsified then the one remaining
SH>must be the true one.


A step that you left out is that one must show, for proof by
elimination, that the set of all *known* relevant hypotheses
is the same as the set of all *possible* hypotheses. A
crucial practical principle in science is that this can only
rarely, if ever, be accomplished. Thus, in science, once once
has eliminated all but one known hypothesis, what one has
established by this elimination is that the remaining one must
be the next one to *test*.
