RE: philosophy

Tim Ikeda (
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 18:10:33 -0500

Mike Hardie wrote:
>> As a philosophy major (or, rather, a hope-to-be philosophy major -- I won't
>> formally apply to the department until next year), I was interested by your
>> comments about philosophy.

Cliff writes:
> Mike, I agree with everything you say about philosophy but I question
> the practicality of a philosophy major.

Aw Cliff,
Philosophy majors don't have to end up getting jobs in philosophy.
One of the better med students I TA'd had a philosophy degree. Another
had a BA in English. These two were actually curious about what they
were learning in a biochem lab compared to many of the ones with chem
and bio degrees -- Many of these others just wanted to know what would
be on the $#$%&! tests. That class was a bit depressing to teach -- I
got to see the proportion of science majors that I would never want to
have as a physician.

Tim Ikeda (despam address before use)