Re: Lack of Apologetical predictions

John W. Burgeson (
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 11:42:04 -0700

Glenn wrote: "I know Gish also. I last saw him about 2 years ago here in
Dallas. He knew of my change of heart and my fight against YECism. But
he still
greeted me with a warm smile and a firm handshake, like a long lost
Even after our talk, he was still friendly. "

I am glad to have a confirmation of my impression of Gish, Glenn.

I had an e-mail from him a few months back in which he said he thought we
had much common ground and our differences were not of serious

In 1988, I attended a 5 day seminar put on by ICR in Dallas, and had
occasion to speak much with Gish (we had exchanged a number of letters
over the years) and to "break bread" with him and Morris. Later, we
exchange views on his book, "Creation Scientists answer their Critics"
and I wound up reviewing it for PERSPECTIVES. Since then, our contacts
have been few.

I will point out that a number of people have tried to persuade me that
Gish is "evil." The fact is plain that he does rile up some folks a great
deal. In the life to come, we will possibly speak more on these matters.


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