RE: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Fri, 06 Nov 1998 15:31:57 -0800

At 10:41 AM 11/6/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Greetings Art:
>I love the way you try to push my buttons so as to get me mad and lash out
at you, while still raising valid points. That takes real political
talent; I congratulate you.

Please forgive me for being rude. I guess I got carried away. Civility is
an important constraint for meaningful communication. Thanks for pointing
it out.

Let me attempt to rephrase my intent in a more civil context. I would like
to challenge you to present a scenario that you think would be capable of
producing proteinoids or microspheres on a probiological earth. That is,
one that has some semblance of being achievable, and one that could even by
a stretch permit the generation of the requisite products. I have racked
my brain for years and have nothing that I think could even come close to
producing a thimblefull of purified amino acids in a form that could
participate in the proposed prebiotic synthesis. Most prebiotic reactions
of the Miller sort predominate in the amino acids glycine, alanine, serine
(total about 75%) with only minor amounts of aspartic, glutamic,
isoleucine, leucine lysine and threonine (about 3-5% each).
THe end products do depend on the reaction conditions and the proportions
of the starting materials, but I am unaware of any reasonably prebiotic
reactions that can generate the proportions of glu and asp required. I am
also unaware of any conditions that can generate a product of prebiotic
synthesis that can tolerate the reaction conditions required to produce
proteinoid. If you have information on these subjects and can weave it
into a reasonable scenario, I for one would like to see it. Thanks.