RE: Cambridge Publishes Neo-Creationism

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 2 Nov 1998 19:00:42 -0800

Pim: "Nope, the same problem applies...Your findings could still be

Vernon: To what 'problem' do you refer? I believe it to be unreasonable to
regard the data I have outlined as fortuitous. However, if that's how
you see it, so be it.

It's not how I see it but how science would approach the issue. I truely believe that YOU do not consider it foruitous but in order for this argument to transcend personal belief it requires additional data and calculations.

You continued:

" still have to show that this is not coincidental or was not
placed there by humans rather than the supernatural.

Vernon: Clearly, you pin your faith either,(a) on 'a miracle of chance' or (b)
on logistic impossibilities. Why do you so readily discount the 'maybe'
that God had a hand in all this?

There is always a maybe but your argument transcends that and claims that it SHOWS that God had a hand in this. That is a leap of faith when it is based merely on personal belief not on a careful analysis of the data.