RE: 'Directed' evolution?

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 28 Sep 1998 20:27:05 -0700

At 08:37 AM 9/28/98 -0700, Pim wrote:
>At 08:18 PM 9/25/98 -0500, Glenn wrote:
> The problem is that lots of
>>anti-evolutionists seem to think that evolution rules out design. It
>Arther: <<Ask Dawkins about that one!>>
>Why ? What do Dawkin's thoughts and remarks have to do with this ?

Art: <<Dawkins asserts that there is no designer, thus no design. Design means
(Webster) 1. to plan; make preliminary sketches of; sketch a pattern or
outline for. 2. to form (plans, etc.) in the mind; contrive. 3. to plan to
do; purpose; intend. 4. To intend or set apart for some purpose. I think
your antievolutionist friends are right.>>

That their beliefs might be erroneous in that they seem to think that evolution rules out design ? Or is your argument that since Dawkins believes this that therefor this is the case ? Could you please expand on this argument ? To me it appears you are using a logical fallacy here in your arguments.
Please show how evolution rules out design ? Not just how some evolutionists rule out design.