RE: 'Directed' evolution?

Pim van Meurs (
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 20:31:08 -0700

Pim says:
>Semantics are everything when discussing abused concepts such as
'information'. And I thought it was your argument we were discussing. Why
should WE be reading this book to find out about the definition which is
fundamental to the argument ?

Art says:
<<That is true; if the argument is what is important here, don't read the
book. I thought this was about exchanging information that might be
important to issues of origins. I would like to see some dialog on what
Spetner has said. >>

Very well. But you are dismissing people's comments with the statement that Spetner dealt with that. When asked what Spetner's argument and definition was, you remained silent.
So perhaps we were all to quick with our statements ?