Dino tracks

Glenn R. Morton (grmorton@waymark.net)
Wed, 23 Sep 1998 19:47:22 -0500

Here is a tidbit for the young-earthers on the list. In South Korea the
Jindong formation is aoubt 1200 feet thick and contains lots and lots of
levels of different dinosaur tracks:

"The Jingdong Formation tracks are of particular interest because they
occur at as many as 160 distinct horizons throughout 300 m of gray shales
and siltstones that comprise the formation. Although multiple trackbearing
horizons are known from many formations, few formations reveal the wealth
of trackway data yielded by the Jindong succession. To date more than 250
discrete trackways have been recorded and mapped." ~ Seong-Kyu Lim,
Seong-Young Yang and Martin G. Lockley, " Large Dinosaur Footprint
Assemblages from the Cretaceous Jindong Formation of Southern Korea," in D.
D. Gillette and M. G. Lockley(eds), Dinosaur Tracks and Traces, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp 333-336, p. 333

This represents an average of 6 feet between surfaces upon which dinosaurs
walked. If the Jindong was formed by the flood, this implies that the
flood waters, the waters which were covering the entire earth must have
receded 160 times and then covered Korea 160 times bringing new sediment
with each trip. This further implies that the waters of the flood really
werent that deep otherwise you can't move the water that rapidly. Can you
imagine draining and re-filling the Gulf of Mexico 160 times in a single
year? This is the type of data that the powers that be in young-earth
creationism will never tell their followers.

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