RE: Breaking through Darwinism's Defenses

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 18:40:31 -0700

Stephen:MM Evolutionists are like the forensic scientists who investigate a possible crime scene. The experiments that they perform in the present (like using xrays to cause mutations in fruit flies) and the evidence they uncover (like fossils and the microevolution of moth and finch populations) give them
clues to a possible reconstruction of the past. Unfortunately, when it comes to the history of life, many scientists are willing to consider reconstructions that involve only natural forces and random events, and they want us to accept these reconstructions as a true picture of reality.>>

Of course they could speculate all they wanted about something that could not be observed. So if there are explanations which explain the observations, why look for the supernatural ? Science and the Supernatural do not mix. After all science's requirements preclude supernatural actions because such actions are neither predictable nor falsifiable.