RE: Petersen's New Insights, replies to Morton and van Meurs

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 2 Sep 1998 09:15:33 -0700

If the loessian nodules had been formed by any of the mechanisms that
you have listed then there would be no problem, but clearly they were
not. To begin with these nodules have no nucleus, although they are not
exactly hollow on the inside like geodes.>>

So they are in between to concretion formations we are familiar with. What is the exact nature of the problem. They are not hollow but don't have any 'nucleus'.

Joseph: <<The above recipe violates no physics in itself, but when snails
are added to the picture one must recognize frank materialization out of
a fourth dimension to account for the details that are actually

Ah, those 4th dimension snail. I understand now. Physics explains it all except for the snails who happened to live in that area.

<< I am bit surprised and dismayed that you would offer such a simplistic
mechanism to account for the loessian nodules. Certainly this reasoning
would carry no weight whatever before an audience that had Plates 32 to
40 of Petersen's book before them. >>

This is not an argument Joseph.

So what evidence of this 4th dimension exists ? Any predictions ? Any observations ?

Anything ?

Other than the 'snails' of course. Although I believe for snails to be explained satisfactorily, one has to propose at least three additional dimension.