RE: Careless Christians?

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 08:12:04 -0700

Vernon: Some, alas, fail to exercise that power; their lives remain as before because they resist the process of teaching, testing and sanctification that the Lord, in love, desires to impose on them.
Clearly, this demand for obedience is 'something' rather than 'nothing', is it not?>>

Are you refering to those who are willing to learn about what the Lord is trying to tell us through science and data ?

Vernon: <<Now, concerning teaching, I take it that you are numbered among those I
referred to in my last paragraph to Pim, i.e. you accept much of the
Lord's teachings but baulk at others. Not to mince words, you are in my
view being constrained by a pitifully weak theory to follow this 'pick
'n' mix' option. I again draw your attention to the first of the Ten
Commandments, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Can you really
not see that evolution is being deified and given pride of place by its
followers? >>

I see only you giving evolution such a place. So perhaps you are doing what God is warning us against ?

Vernon: <<Why do you think the Lord warned us to judge a doctrine by its fruits? If one were to follow your logic, this caution should be passed over as irrelevant because it has no direct bearing upon
'Salvation by grace'.>>

If the fruits are indicative of the doctrine then a good case can be made that christianity is quite evil. After all much evil has been committed in the name of the Lord. Such an arguments leads down a steep and slippery slope.

Vernon:<< Brian, I suggest you examine again the credentials of this 'millstone' that you carry around with you. Accept the Scriptures as divinely-revealed truth; after all, as man, our Lord did; and, as
Creator, he should know for he set it all in motion!!>>

Funny, I have not seen Brian use strawmen to 'attack' geological dating methods. To me it appears that the millstone is being carried by you in the form of a lack of understanding of what you really oppose on grounds which have little foundation in fact. All I see is someone who through ignorance is placing evolution on a pedestal like a deity. And that despite being aware of the warnings, you still did it. I wonder who is truely being blinded. Those who study the data presented to them by God which shows evidence of an old earth, or those who despite overwhelming data continue to require a young earth. And all that is based on is their, perhaps erroneous, interpretation of the words of the Lord. What speaks louder ? Hard data or personal interpretation ?

THink about it.