RE: Bill's flood and acidic waters

Pim van Meurs (
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 10:12:31 -0700

> Do you have God miraculously withhold the sulphuric acid?

Do you think God would be unable to withhold the sulphuric acid?

Who knows, all I see here is answering a good question with a question. Invoking this 'all powerful' being when convenient is a good example why science and religion do not mix very well.

> Do you think that Noah could breathe acidic air?

Bill: Do you think Peter walked on water? (Matthew 14:29)

Another question answered by a question.

Perhaps you should make an effort to address the questions asked by Glenn. I understand that they are tough but they are very good questions. Invoking the 'cop out' Well, God did it and we don't know how or why, does not work too well.