RE: Evolution!! (D. Howes)

Pim van Meurs (
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 07:58:05 -0700

Donald Howes
Why would you mix it up with ocean water? Who said anything about a global flood? If a large area has sedimentary layers over it, how did the layers form? Did a new layer get put there each time a the water rose a bit? Did the water carefully select a different types of soil each time and then the next time get a different type? I don't really know what I'm talking about, I dont even know how the dirt turned into a rock, so I guess I'm asking questions out of ignorance. Still, if someone would humor me with the answers I would be most appreciative.>>

There are a few possibilities. 1) Creatures within the water collumn die and settle to the bottom 2) eroded materials are carried into the region (example would be a delta) and settle. Or a local flood happens, deposits a layer and retreats.