Re: Evolution!!

Ron Chitwood (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 17:11:31 -0500

>>>> So, are you willing to admit any of the errors your position has?
> every position has some flaws, it is a measure of your dedication to
> when one will be willing to admit the problems. It is an indication of
> opposite when one won't.<<<<

Problems! Of course I have problems. I have problems wondering where all
the human bones are as a result of the flood. Lest you forget,
incidentally, I apologized publicly when I misinterpreted your motives.
Also, you have made me alter my ideas about death and I thank you for it.
However, nothing presented so far sways me from the fact that God did not
use macroevolutionism to create and promote life. I would not be truthful
if I did. There is just too much evidence otherwise. You seem to take the
word of atheistic evolutionists over the word of creation scientists,
seemingly not realizing their agenda is the promotion of atheism and that,
my friend and brother in Christ, alarms me.

If I could be convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that macroevolution
did indeed occur, my faith in 'God created...' would be just as strong. HE
just used a means other than what I traditionally believe, to accomplish
HIS purpose. Its the same idea to me of the Mt. Ararat sightings of the
Ark. Whether its found or not is immaterial to me, and does not alter my
belief in the flood as described in the Bible just because it has not been

Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth
shall make you free. John 8:32
Ron Chitwood
