mon ami

John W. Burgeson (
Tue, 26 May 1998 21:45:46 -0600

Glenn you had a post using those words which I saw in the
but you apparently did not copy me. It got me thinking...

Your story was how a person should react to a "miracle recovery."

Pretend that you & I are scientist-physicians; otherwise we are the same

The recovery happens to one we both love & cherish.

We are both delighted & praise God.

We both attribute the recovery to a miracle by our common Lord.

Now we are back at the office/lab. Let's think about it.

What I would do, as a scientist assuming MN, is begin to look for a
natural cause.
If I find one, I may save many lives!

If I find one, or if I do not, I see God in the events.

What I would NOT support is a "God diddit" mentality which
assumes a miracle took place and that's the end of it -- no investigation
need take place.

Does this make sense, or am I rambling (it IS late at night!)


May you love the Lord so much, that you love nothing else too much.

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