Re: evolution-digest V1 #930

Glenn R. Morton (
Sun, 24 May 1998 08:22:23 -0500

At 11:03 PM 5/23/98 -0600, Bill Payne wrote:
>> No, but then again, there is no reason God could not have been more
>> creative than that and left an INDELIBLE mark upon living systems that
>> clearly ruled out evolution! He didn't.
>He didn't have to after saying "Let the land produce living creatures
>according to their kinds..." (Genesis 1:24)

But notice Bill, the sentence you just wrote does NOT, repeat NOT say "Let
the animals reproduce animals after their kind..." Animals is not both
subject and object. You are misreading a simple english sentence which
does not say that morphological change is ruled out. The Land is what did
the producing, not the animals. Evolution in one real sense does say that
the Land produced the animals.

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