Re: half-evolved feather pt 2

Ron Chitwood (
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 09:35:42 -0500

GM>>>Would you withdraw your charge in which you said I called John Morris
liar? I didn't call him a liar ever. John believes what he says; he is
wrong, but that doesn't make him a liar. Since you couldn't provide
documentation for this "event" and were asked to be honorable in the matter

but stated that you weren't honorable, would you now withdraw the charge?
You were wrong but failed to admit it.<<<

1.Glenn, get off your self-righteous high horse. If the word 'liar' was
not used the inference was there is the word 'dishonest' if I remember
correctly. I owe you no apology on this whatsoever. Shame on you! Where
is your Christian outlook on this? Even if I were guilty the proper
Christian thing to do is to forgive. Remember Jesus' answer to those
self-righteous elders that wished to stone the adulteress - 'he that is
without sin cast the first stone.' He also to her to 'go and sin no more'.
Why don't you do the same for me? You need to think and study of what is
meant by Isaiah 29:13. Not only I but others on this thread are perceiving
you that way.

2. This is a typical evolutionist response. Its happened many times
before, and will continue to happen in the future. If the questions a
creationist asks are unanswerable, the fanatical evolutionist shifts his
attack to belittling the questioner, questioning his integrity, morals,
intelligence and whatever else comes to mind. He evades hard questions
with non-sequitors, selective quotes from 'experts' that agree with him,
ignores adverse facts that appear such as the huge gaps that appear in the
comparative anatomy of fossils, more recent findings in microbiology, the
2nd Law of Thermodynamics and other facts too numerous to mention.

3. Believe it or not, I do want to thank you for causing me to think about
some of the things you said. Not about macroevolution, but about death.
Your ideas of the fruit mentioned in Genesis is causing me to study further
the concept of death in the Bible. I am in the midst of researching the
topic now.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
Ron Chitwood

> From: Glenn Morton <>
> To: Ron Chitwood <>; Stephen Jones <>;
> Subject: Re: half-evolved feather pt 2
> Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 6:47 PM
> At 10:41 AM 4/22/98 -0500, Ron Chitwood wrote:
> >GM>>>>While technically I didn't say it, in the spirit of the discussion
> >you are
> >absolutely correct and I was wrong above.<<<<
> >
> >Must give credit where credit is due. Kudos to you on this.
> Ron, honesty is a single standard. Honesty has no room for believing that
> opponents have to admit they are wrong and I don't. When I am
> wrong as Stephen so aptly pointed out, the ONLY thing to do is to admit
> If everyone in the Creation/Evolution debate would do this simple thing,
> could finally make progress.
> Would you withdraw your charge in which you said I called John Morris a
> liar? I didn't call him a liar ever. John believes what he says; he is
> wrong, but that doesn't make him a liar. Since you couldn't provide
> documentation for this "event" and were asked to be honorable in the
> but stated that you weren't honorable, would you now withdraw the charge?

> You were wrong but failed to admit it.
> glenn
> Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man
> and
> Foundation, Fall and Flood