Re: Yet more denigrating of Apologists (was Why?)

Ron Chitwood (
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 17:06:34 -0500

The point I was making was that both sides can claim instances where they
were swayed by public opinion to alter their beliefs. Lippert was swayed
to recant Christianity by the opinions of so-called 'experts' and the
administration officials caved into the attacks by evolutionists over not
showing the NOVA program since it promoted an evolutionism religion. It is
very hard to maintain a position you believe in when you seem alone in it.

>>> When a YEC claims that the earth
> was created 6000 years ago and there was a global flood 4500 years ago
> that killed off everyone, most people with a hint of a science education
> begin to snicker. <<<

There are many on this that do not believe that yet are Creationists.
Stephen Jones for one. I am open on the question of 6000 year ago
creation, but there is no doubt in my mind that there was a flood, a
world-wide flood. There is too much evidence, circumstantial though it may
be, that it occurred. For instance, the story of a global flood is part
and parcel of cultures world-wide.

The constantly fluctuating opinions of men over the centuries have
convinced me that man, generically speaking, hasn't a clue to what really
happened at creation or the flood, only opinion, and to speak of it as
fact, as macroevolutionists do, is most depressing.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
Ron Chitwood

> From: Ed Brayton <>
> To: Ron Chitwood <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Yet more denigrating of Apologists (was Why?)
> Date: Tuesday, April 21, 1998 1:53 PM
> Ron, I think you missed the point of Glenn's post completely. Your
> "counter story" had nothing to do with the point he was making by
> telling the Jim Lippard story. His point was that by pushing young earth
> creationism, some Christians are pushing scientifically literate people
> away from Christianity. Now I'm not a Christian and I don't have much of
> a stake in this one way or the other, but I don't think there is any
> doubt that Glenn is right about this. When a YEC claims that the earth
> was created 6000 years ago and there was a global flood 4500 years ago
> that killed off everyone, most people with a hint of a science education
> begin to snicker. When those claims are then backed up by absurd
> arguments like the lunar dust story and "hydrodynamic sorting", the
> snicker becomes a full-blown guffaw. From that point on, the chances of
> that person taking Christianity seriously decrease dramatically. Glenn
> managed to get a good education in geology and maintain his faith as a
> Christian, but most do not. I can tell you from my own experience that
> he is right about this. As a Christian teenager, I swallowed the YEC
> line completely. Then I began asking questions and not getting good
> answers. A youth pastor encouraged me to research the answers for
> myself. I was shocked to find out that most of what was written in all
> of those ICR pamphlets I had been reading was nonsense. My faith never
> recovered. Unlike Glenn, I could not reconcile the clear meaning of the
> biblical text with what I knew of science. I don't accept his attempts
> at reconciling the two things at this point, but I respect him for
> trying, and for being intellectually honest enough to not just bury his
> head in the sand and say, "Evidence be damned, the bible says it and
> that's all that matters", or "Science is just a lie of the devil, so I
> don't need to understand it to know it is wrong". His faith, even if I
> do not share it, is at least considered and not blind.
> Ed Brayton