Re: I said what? (was "Astronomy" and "Earth" magazine's

Brian D Harper (
Mon, 09 Mar 1998 11:20:28 -0500

At 05:19 PM 3/8/98 +0800, Steve wrote:

>LH>Since you generally prefer to quote people at length rather than
>>summarize their views, I wonder if -- in the future -- you'd do the
>>same for my views. ;-) Three parts of that sentence with my name
>>sound like mild misrepresentations to me.
>See above about "misrepresentations". You automatically assume a *moral*
>fault (ie. "misrepresentations") on my part, rather than merely an
>intellectual fault (ie. mistake).

What Loren said was "mild misrepresentations". There is no assumption
of moral fault in this statement. A misrepresentation can be made
deliberately, it can also be made by mistake.

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"It is not certain that all is uncertain,
to the glory of skepticism." -- Pascal