Re: ABCD... Fibbonacci and gold

Greg Billock (
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 10:56:01 -0800 (PST)

Brian Harper:

[Golden Ratio]

> R = (SQRT(5)-1)/2 =~ 0.6180
> Now take ratios of successive pairs in the Fibonacci
> sequence:
> 1/2 = 0.5 2/3 = 0.667 3/5 = 0.6 5/8 = 0.625
> 8/13 = 0.6154 13/21 = 0.6190
> this converges after a few more terms to the Golden
> Ratio.

You mean asymptotically, right? R is irrational and
the ratios of F. numbers are rational...

Interesting. Sounds like something I've heard but
forgotten. ;-)

> Now let's apply the same idea to a circle of circumference
> A. We want to divide the circumference into two parts
> B and C in such a way that ratio C/B = B/A. Since
> A = B + C we obviously get the Golden Ratio again.
> The angle for the smaller arc segment is 137.5 degrees.

Ah, OK, I get it.

> What does this have to do with plants? There are several
> types of leaf patterns observed in plants. One is the
> spiral pattern (ivy, lupin, potato). Imagine looking
> down the stem of the plant from the top. Successive
> leaves form a spiral pattern as you move up the stem
> with the divergence angle being 137.5 degrees.

So the question, then, is why are the leaves spaced by
137.5 degrees, instead of some other number? (BTW, how
tight is this, as I can see plants from where I am
sitting for which it isn't true. Is it just a few plants?
If so, which ones?)
