Re: Darwinism is an edifice of faith

Glenn Morton (
Sat, 13 Dec 1997 11:14:36 -0600

Hi Eduardo,

At 09:25 AM 12/12/97 -0600, Eduardo G. Moros wrote:
>Hi Morton,
>I'm with you. I said before that a half truth is also a half lie
>(misrepresentation). But my dear friend, one cannot be objective when one is
>so obviously biased. You have shown a great deal of zeal, perhaps as a result
>of your crisis of faith years back, this zeal is your bias. You are certainly
>sure of yourselve but don't tell me that that certainty is objective.

I can say that I am as objective as I can possibly be. If you watch me over
a period of time, you will see me say something stupid and others will
correct me on factual errors. If the issue is of a factual nature, I will
almost always admit the factual error. Bias comes in in how one interprets
the facts. Part of the problem in the C/E debate is that YECs have one set
of facts, old-earth anti-evolutionists have another set of facts, and
full-fledged evolutionists have a third. Since we don't live in three
different universes, the actual facts are singular and we must go back to
examine the facts to determine what they are. Unfortunately, it has been my
experience that those who are worst at getting factual information correct
are the young-earth creationists.

I operate on the principle that anyone has a right to interpret the facts
according to their bias, but no one has a right to make up facts or ignore
conflicting factual information. And that includes me.


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