>Re: >Macroevolution

Eduardo G. Moros (moros@castor.wustl.edu)
Fri, 12 Dec 1997 20:04:11 -0600

Let me make matters clear immediately. I did not say what I said thinking of
anyone in particular. It applies to all humans whether they agree with me or
not. It does not mean that every one is lying all the time with clear and
purposeful intent. It only means that we are ALL fallen creatures with egos
larger than ourselves.

Strange and monstrous indeed is the liscense of our pride. - Calvin.
Human reason, wherever it may turn, is miserably subjected to vanity. -
It's in your nature to destroy yourselves. -- Terminator 2, The Judgement Day, 1984.
I...am ready to cry with vexation at my blindness and presumption. -- Herbert
Vanitas Vanitatum, et omnia vanitas - Esclesiates


>> Eduardo wrote:
> >1) I'm a dignified skeptic. My presupposition is that once a speech was
> >acquired by humans (whatever way this happened), they immediately began to
> >lie, consciously, unconsciously and subconsciously.

>Glenn Morton wrote:
> Besides the fact that this is a terrible thing to think about anyone who
> disagrees with you, I would point out that language is not necessary for lying: