Re: Homo erectus tamed the wolf?

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 03 Jul 1997 20:43:00 -0500

At 12:50 PM 7/3/97 -0400, Jim Bell wrote:

>Wow! The human beings who built altars, conversed with God, planted
>vineyards, built boats, and established brass and iron foundries took fully
>4.5 million years before they learned how to have pets!

Gee Jim, do you have any patents on new inventions? If not, I guess you are
not innovative enough to be considered human! To bad, you seem like such a
nice person on the internet, but I guess we will have to make you someone's
pet. :-)

Innovation can not be the definition of humanity or spirituality.
Jesus did not say, "Blessed are the inventors"
Jesus did not say, "Blessed are those that look like you"
Jesus did not say, "Blessed are those who make iron"
Jesus did not say, "Blessed are those who build cities"

Thank goodness Jesus didn't have these in the Beatitudes.

>Sheesh, poor Noah. He and his family must have had a REALLY bad experience
>with the gene pool, so bad it lasted 4.5 million years. What a bummer.
>Maybe it was the wine.

Maybe it was the lack of enough people to have the knowledge of the
specialists. Without specialization, there can be no advanced civilization.
You only have the vaguest notion of how I go about finding oil for your
car. I have only the vaguest notion of how you try cases. We both have
only the vaguest notion of how to build a building, build a car, build a
rocket which can go to the moon. Civilization requires specialists.
Specialization of knowledge requires time for study. If everyone on earth is
trying to find food, there is no time to develop these specializations.


Foundation, Fall and Flood