NEWS FLASH: People put dead bodies in pits

Jim Bell (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 12:29:48 -0400

Glenn reports:

<<This morning I passed a field on the way to work. There were some people
huddled around a hole they had dug. Above the hole was a steel box.
I went over and asked them what they were doing. It seems that they had
stuffed the body of a loved one in this little box and were about to
drop him into a pit!!!!>>

A moving description, Glenn, you old softie.

I wonder: Who fashioned the steel box? Who had tools to do it with? Who
designed it? Who passed along the technology? Who prepared the body? Was it
merely dumped, or did some family members actually join around it in, ahem,
something called a ritual? Did the chamber where they joined have stained
glass windows? Isn't that something called "art"? No, Glenn, it was
probably there by accident.

I wonder, did one of them say a prayer? A prayer to whom? Where did these
people go afterward? Did they sit around picking parasites of each other,
or did some get into machines that had engines? Who made the engines? Were
the engines made of stones?

Obviously, these people were just early hominids, right Glenn? They were
probably "struggling" with issues of death as they "dropped" this body into
the "pit."
