Re: Going back...

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 22:56:03 -0500

As much as I don't generally like to jump into purely philosophical discussions,

At 10:00 PM 6/30/97 -0400, Pim van Meurs wrote:

>Aha, so there is them and there is us ? And them are wrong and us are
>right ? That does not sound like a very objective standard now does it ?
>Perhaps you are right, the word Christian has been abused by some but the
>question remains, are you sure it is them ?

There is always an us and them on ALL issues in life. There are those who
believe in Loch Ness and those that don't. Someone is right; someone is
wrong. Objectively.

There are those who believe General Relativity is wrong; there are those who
know it is correct. Those who believe it wrong, are wrong. Objectively.

There are those who believe in a young earth and those who don't. Someone
is wrong--objectively.

This same standard of truth/falsity should extend to issues of religion even
if we might never be able to have the certainty that we do in observational


Foundation, Fall and Flood