Re: Johnson's new book.

Jim Bell (
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 19:44:13 -0400

Here is the blurb in Booklist, which is the magazine of the American
Library Ass.

Johnson, Phillip E.
Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, Aug.
1997. 132p.
InterVarsity, $15.99 (0-8308-1362-4); paper, $9.99

Johnson feels his successful antievolution books, Darwin on Trial
(1991) and Reason in the Balance (1995), are more complicated
than parents and teachers need to prepare students to take on the
evolutionists. Hence, this shorter version of his overall thesis
that also advises how to debate evolution. Johnson first makes
clear what he perceives the real adversary to be: a dogma that
insists life arose solely by chance and that denies contrary
evidence a hearing. He then counsels believers to avoid such
common mistakes as retreating from theism to deism (and so
transforming a continuously creative God into an uninvolved First
Cause), to learn to spot faulty analogies and other forms of poor
logic, to know the soundest scientific data casting doubt on
classical evolution, and to persist -- for, he says, the days of
Darwinian hegemony are numbered. He firmly believes and seeks to
persuade readers that his ultimate causes, aside from religious
faith, are freedom of inquiry and the opening of now closed
minds. -- Ray Olson.

[The IVP number for book orders is 800-843-4587]

BTW, I'll be seeing Phil at the upcoming Christian Booksellers Association
convention in Atlanta (both our new books make their big debuts there! End
of commercial). I'll be sure to include a huge reflectorite hello from all
of us.
