Re: Going back...

Russell Stewart (
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 08:47:08 -0600

>I believe that everyone is basically good. Perhaps the 'standard'
>christian belief has to presume otherwise but I wonder how many christians
>would agree/disagree with me.
>Gene: After living with yourself for how long? A "basically" good person
>would not do anything wrong that is not the result of ignorance.

No, that would be a "perfect" person. Pim didn't say that he or anyone
else was perfect. Even a basically good person can slip from time to
time, be overcome by selfish desires, etc. But what one needs to ask is:
how often does this happen? If you only do it occasionally, then you
can safely say that you are a basically good person. That is, you have
more of a tendency towards good than towards evil.

| Russell Stewart |
| |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico | |

(n) See truism.

(n) See tautology.