Johnson's new book.

Glenn A. Friedrich (
Sun, 22 Jun 1997 11:26:36 -0600

Dear Evolution List,

While chasing hyperlinks through the Amazon, I ran across the following:

| "Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds"
| by
| Philip E. Johnson
| Subjects: Evolution (Biology); Organic Evolution; Religion And Science
| Publisher: Intervarsity Press
| Binding: Hardcover
| Expected publication date: July 1997
| ISBN: 0830813608

A tantalizing (but somewhat condescending) title, no doubt. I was curious
if anyone here (some who seem to have Mr. Johnson's ear) could provide some
advance word of the content of this manuscript. Perhaps they could provide
a synopsis or even better, a small excerpt.

I, for one, always relish the prospect of having my world view broadened
and anxiously await publication.

Regards, Glenn A. Friedrich