Evolution and Random Mutations

Russell T. Cannon (rcannon@usa.net)
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 13:39:50 -0500

John Queen said:

> Random mutations have never been
> SHOWN to be able to produce anything
> higher in order or of more use.

And Pim van Meurs replied:

> Of course random mutations is not
> what evolution is all about now is
> it.

Naturalistic Evolution *is* natural selection working on random

There are only four possibilities here:

1. natural selection and random mutations
2. natural selection and non-random mutations
3. non-natural selection and random mutations
4. non-natural selection and non-random mutations

I have ordered this according to degree of ultimate determinism of the
system. The following is how I would say various belief systems would
fall among these ideas:

Naturalistic Evolutionist - 1
Theistic Evolutionist - 1 & 2 & maybe 3
Pantheist/Universalist - 2 & 3
Old Earth Creationist - 3 & 4 primarily, 1 & 2 secondarily
Young Earth Creationist - 4

Admittedly, this is an oversimplification. The inherrent problem with
this kind of analysis of the various positions is that they do not all
mean the same thing by the various terms used. I do believe, however,
that natural selection and random mutations are the only things that the
Darwinist has to work with.

May the L-rd bless and keep you.
Russell T. Cannon