Re: logic makes a comeback

Keith Plummer (
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 07:10:05 -0500

Jim Bell:
If you want to be a true atheist, then tell us why it is more reasonable
accept the non-existence of God than His existence.

Russell: Simple: because there is no evidence for His existence. Why is
reasonable to believe in something for which there is no evidence?

Russell, on what grounds are you justified in asserting such an
objective universal negative on the basis of your limited personal (and
thus subjective) experience? At the risk of beating a dead horse,
you've admitted that you don't know what such evidence would look like
so how can you say that it doesn't exist anywhere? Wouldn't it be more
accurate to say that YOU have not seen any evidence that YOU find
convincing than to say that there is no evidence whatsoever?
