Re: As people become Christians:its rude

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 05:58:25 -0500

At 10:28 PM 6/15/97 -0500, john queen wrote:
>---Actually I was not speaking to you but was using this reply as an
>example for everyone. I think alot of people in this forum are too caught
>up into seeing how many sub-comments they can make to someones comments.
>It's more appropriate to leave comments in context then refer to specific
>instances if needed. I dont think anyone has enough time (or wants to
>spend it if they did) to sort through dissected messages.
> If you would notice that at the top of my previous message I wrote it to
>the forum as a whole. It starts with "forum". I did get your main point
>after wasting time sorting through a dissected message and trying to regain
>context. Ive passed over many materialism posts because I simply dont have
>the time to sort through this kind of nonsense (eventhough I am sure there
>was some good things said in them).
> john queen

Can you do me a favor? Please put the name of the person whose post you are
replying to at the top. It would really help and only adds a few characters
of typing at the beginning.

As to the style of the posts with interspersed responses, welcome to the


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