Gospel Reliability

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
14 Jun 97 12:33:37 EDT

I was at my brother's house last night, and was leafing through his set of
Durant's history. I zipped to the section on Jesus, of course. Durant was not
a religious man--in fact, he was openly skeptical--so I was interested to see
how he'd handle the history. And on page 557 of Ceasar and Christ, I found
this remarkable passage regarding the Gospels:

"All this granted, much remains. The contradictions are of minutiae, not
substance; in essentials the synoptic Gospels agree remarkably well, and form
a consistent portrait of Christ....That a few simple men should in one
generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an
ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far
more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels."