Re: logic makes a comeback

Pim van Meurs (
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 16:59:52 -0400

At 5:31 PM -0400 6/12/97, Pim van Meurs wrote:
>I guess this makes nazism ok since the errors were corrected ?

I don't _think_ so. Does anyone else?

Hamilton: Hitler was a cynical opportunist. I doubt he held any religious
views at all. He used Christians, and perhaps he used atheists too. He
was a

Perhaps he used christians because he believed in christianity ? Who are
we to judge the religious beliefs of others ?

Hamilton: It's not surprising that he was able to deceive Christians for a

For how long a time ? And how long did the pope spend on the side of the
Nazis ? I believe the Vatican was used at the end of the war as a
safehouse for nazis on their way to Brazil and other safe heavens.

Jim: And by the time many people realized how evil he was, he had the
coercive power of the state at his command. And of course that helped him
prolong his reign. But Jim's point -- which Pim missed -- was that
eventually Christians _did_ deal with nazism. If we are to evaluate moral
systems by their ability to _prevent_ evil from ever occurring, then all
moral systems fail.

Eventually the communists dealt with Nazism as well. I don't believe that
this is an excuse for their previous behavior though.