Re: ICR and its slurs
Thu, 29 May 1997 08:49:06 -0700

Russell Stewart wrote:
> At 11:59 AM 5/28/97 EDT, you wrote:
> >JB>The point is that, as a materialist, you are living inconsistently.
> >
> >RS<In your opinion.
> >
> >But Russ, I thought opinion was everything!
> I know you do. That is exactly the problem here.
> >I thought "because I do" settled
> >all arguments! In fact, Russ, "I know in my heart" that you are living
> >inconsistently. I don't have to use logic to justify anything. You've taught
> >me that.
> I see. So, when I said that there are some areas where logic cannot apply,
> you read "I don't have to use logic to justify anything". Perhaps that is
> your problem -- reading comprehension. Maybe you should work on that for
> a while, and then come back when you're ready to have a rational debate.

In my experience having been in many discussion and debates, such low
blows (ad hominem) is *sure* sign that one has abandoned reason and has
allowed emotions to overtake. Russell, by making such an unfounded,
irrelevant, and emotionally-charged comment, has basically disqualified
himself from credibility and implicitly conceded.

> Hopefully one of these days you'll open up your mind enough to recognize
> that there are other human beings out there with other points of view.
> Until that day, I'm sorry for you that your only response to a challenging
> argument is petty sarcasm and childish jabs.

A case of the pot calling the kettle black?