Re: ICR and its slurs

Russell Stewart (
Sat, 24 May 1997 01:58:34 -0600

At 07:09 PM 5/23/97 EDT, you wrote:
>Bill Hamilton writes:
><<I certainly agree. I feel this same empathy. But what do you do with an
>individual who refuses to accept your views of morality? I think you're
>logically defenseless, because you seem to have no basis for your morality
>other than your own self-validated empathy.>>
>Bill, you've summed up in a nutshell the point I've been trying to make all
>along. Thanks.
>Judeo-Christianity has an objective moral reality because it is imposed from a
>Lawgiver, and thus applies to ALL. Why? He is the Creator. He makes the rules.

And why should we bow to him, simply because he created us? Give me a logical
reason why, without appealing to any subjective assumptions.

For that matter, provide me with some scientific, logical evidence that the
Creator of the universe really does want us to love one another. How do we
know that he doesn't really want white people to dominate blacks, as the Klu
Klux Klan believes? Or that he doesn't want the West to invade and "take back"
Jerusalem, preferably murdering any Muslims in sight, as the Crusaders believed?

If you can't provide such evidence, then Christians are perfectly free to come
up with their own moral code.

>The materialist can accept a code of morality voluntarily, but as you say it
>cannot be justified to apply to others. Other materialists are free to reject

Just as other Christians are free to reject your morality and come up with
their own.

| Russell Stewart |
| |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico | |

2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.