angiosperms and oil

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 23 May 1997 12:53:46 -0500

By private e-mail a friend asked why the angiosperms should not be layered
and why I thought this data ruled out a global flood. Here was my answer.

Actually I do think that this fact plus one other rules out all global flood
theories that deposit all the sedimentary column. Here is why. The preflood
landscape was supposed to be devoid of all but the shallowest of sedimentary
cover. It would look like:

preflood landscape

60 feet above sealevel******************************no sediments

The post flood landscape has huge holes, called basins which are filled with
up to 60,000 feet of sedimentary rock. They look like:

post flood landscape

60 feet above sealevelsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss**************
**********************************ss*******************************-60,000 feet

s=sedimentary rock
In order to achieve this relationship the entire v-shaped area MUST be
excavated before the very lowest layer of sediment is deposited. This
requires the following to be the temporary intermediate situation.

sssss----------------------------------raging flood water---------
sssssss temporary storage of eroded meatierial out of hole below.
60 feet above sealevelempty void.empty void.empty v**************
*************empty void.empty void.empty void.*******************
----------------- empty void.empty void.emp---------------------sealevel
****************** empty void.empty voi**************************
*********************empty void.empty v**************************
************************empty void.e*****************************
***************************empty v*******************************
****************************empty *******************************
*******************************em********************************-60,000 feet
(there should be spaces where the empty void is, but the archive so messes
up the picutures that no one can understand them in the future.)

The fact that the sediments must be excavated in the early stage of the
flood means that all the sedimentary material must be held in suspension by
the "raging flood waters". This means that the raging flood waters would
thoroughly mix everything up. That being the case, why do the chemicals
which are only found with angiosperms appear only in the uppermost levels of
the sedimentary column?


Foundation, Fall and Flood