Re: ICR and its slurs

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
23 May 97 11:08:34 EDT

JB>You've hit it dead on, IMO. First, the logic is not only compelling, but
>somehow unavoidable.

RS<If it were, then the majority of "evolutionists" would have to be
racists. Are they?

No, they may simiply be illogical. That, or they borrow moral capital from
another system. That cool. But let's be up front about it.

JB>If one accepts "survival of the fittest" one HAS TO
>conclude that there is a class "less fit."

RS<<Only if one believes that there is such a thing as clearly definable
"races" of humans with distinct genetic differences.Not to mention the fact
that "less fit" is an entirely subjective term.

Right! That's the point. A materialist-evolutionist can define fitness as he
pleases. Hitler defined it as Aryanism. Was he wrong? Evolution can't say. It
doesn't have the moral syntax.

<<I can tell you that, speaking as an atheist, I believe that what Hitler did
was wrong and evil, because I believe in humanist morality. That is, I believe
very strongly in the sanctity (if I can use that word) of human rights and
human happiness. Why? Because I know that I have feelings and emotions, and I
can logically conclude from observing other humans that they do too. I know
what it feels like to be hurt, and I don't want to inflict that on another
person if I can in any way avoid it. Furthermore, I don't want to let another
person inflict that one someone.>>

This is entirely circular and therefore unconvincing. You feelings and
emotions carry no philosophical weight whatsoever. This is just as subjective
as your criticism of what one decides about fitness. You have made a
subjective judgment about morality. But you cannot justify it, nor can you
argue convincingly why anyone else should accept it. The subjective judgment
of Hitler carries equal weight if you duke it out on that level.

JB>Having said all that, an evolutionist is not ipso facto a racist. Of course

RS <<Of course you have to throw out that scrap of a concession to keep from
sounding like a complete religious bigot.

Your subjective vituperation is showing! C'mon, Russ, let's keep this on a
higher plane and not resort to name calling, you godless materialist, you. ;-)

<<My moral rejection of racism is based on my own empathy for the feelings of
others; my own recognition that other humans have feelings just like myself.
You may call that a "transendent system", but it is still completely
materialist in origin.>>

No, it is NOT a transcendent system. It is subjective. They are mutually
exclusive categories. Recognize what philosophers for thousands of years have
explained: materialism and transcendence don't go together. IOW, "you can't
get OUGHT from IS."

You borrow your oughts, and you ought to acknowledge it.


"Man is more ape than many of the apes." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal." -- Leo Tolstoy