Re: Creationism's 'bad rap'

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 15 May 1997 22:18:26 -0500

At 07:45 PM 5/15/97 -0500, wrote:

>My strongly held religious beliefs absolutely prevent me from saying
>anything negative about a Christian minister in a public forum.

I can respect that. I would point out, Galatians 2, that Paul publically
confronted Peter. But, of course you need to do as the Lord leads

>is a time and a place for such things, but this is not it. Because the
>film is old and not widely distributed outside that minister's
>denominational circle, I feel that nothing would be served by "exposing"
>him or his film. I have "exposed" it among some people who were
>affected by it.
>It would be pointless to expose his error to him because he would
>absolutely reject it.

I know that feeling and that is why I finally decided years ago that the
publich approach was the only one which had any chance of working.

As to strife and division, I do take the confrontational approach. While
that may not be the correct approach for you, I would say that I didn't see
Jesus avoiding confrontation with the pharisees. This is not to be taken as
any aspersion on YECs. It is merely an example that Jesus called them some
might nasty names, which is more confrontational than I would have thought wise.


Foundation, Fall and Flood