Re: Creationism's 'bad rap'

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 15 May 1997 06:02:50 -0500

At 07:43 PM 5/14/97 -0500, wrote:

>I resently saw a children's video that was made by a famous American
>minister, who I will not name, that was endeavoring to "teach" children
>about the "errors" of evolution. He leaned very heavily on the bogus
>"dust on the moon" argument as if it was the creationist ace-trump. As
>a Christian, I can say very forthrightly that this kind of tactic is
>wholly repugnant to me. This is not the kind of thing to teach a child
>and pass if off as science.
>There is, however, a mistake that Naturalistic Materialists make that is
>equally repugnant: the tendency to paint all creationist views into the
>one held by the minister on the video I mentioned--that shared by Morris
>and Gish. It is becoming increasingly clear that the YEC view has begun
>to die, albeit slowly, and will probably eventually be scrapped by most
>Christians. Non-creationists should recognize this shift and its

Why not name the film. If you don't there are implications. Other people may
buy it and be misled because they didn't know. The approach to this area
can not be corrected by not being specific on who what when where and how.
If a minister is way out of his field, and is saying false things, then that
needs to be pointed out. If you don't point the error out to the minister,
he has no chance of changing either.


Foundation, Fall and Flood