Re: Haldane's dilemma

Brian D Harper (
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 16:13:03 -0400

At 09:25 AM 4/29/97 -0700, Adrian wrote:
>Stephen Jones wrote:

>> ReMine's failure to produce this simulation is hardly his fault - Dawkins'
>> claims he has lost it:
>> "The computer simulation that Dawkins used for his book is lost
>> (Dawkins, 1991, personal letter)" (ReMine W.J., "The Biotic Message,
>> 1993, p235).

>Does anybody know of anyone at the National Center for Science
>education, or know of any way to get a hold of the program? I tried
>searching the web for the home page, but was unsuccessful.

I have a version of this program which was posted to t.o
a few years ago. Actually, I have it in two forms, either
or both of which I can e-mail to anyone interested:

1) a uuencoded version. you'll need uudecode which is
available I think as freeware or shareware somewhere.
This will expand into a DOS executable.

2) c source code. Can't vouch for this as I never tried
to compile and run it. Should be same as (1) above.

Here are some related web sites to check out ;-).

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"God forbid that we should give out a dream of
our own imagination for a pattern of the world"
-- Francis Bacon