Just for fun -- the Shannonizer

Brian D Harper (harper.10@osu.edu)
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 00:23:07 -0500

Browsing around on the web I found a site with an
interesting interactive program called the


The program takes some text that you supply (it
also does web pages if you supply the URL) and
"edits" it according to a particular style.

To illustrate, I used the following short quote
from Phil:

"In short, theistic naturalism is best understood
as an intellectual strategy for coping with a
desperate situation. It was barely tenable as a
philosophical position as long as the leading
scientists believed, or pretended to believe, that
science is a limited research activity which does
not aspire to occupy the entire realm of knowledge."

Here are a few of the more humorous edits:

as edited by Edgar Allen Poe

In short, theistic naturalism is not lost. Of the entire
realm of the soul into Hades. Of the animal's neck. It
was barely tenable as the hot breath of knowledge. There
came, shuddering, that science is madness. The air is
chilling and of knowledge. It was not aspire to occupy the
blackness of a desperate situation. And then came, I had
no more.. There came, or pretended to occupy the thing--
an incarnate nightmare that!

as edited by Dr. Seuss

In short, theistic naturalism is fun to sing with a
tweetle beetles battle. And cheese? A little bed
at those zummers! What a desperate situation. It is
a limited research activity which does not like my
little bit! For birthday lunch, that science is
chewing! Now look at all night. It was barely tenable
as the leading scientists believed, theistic naturalism
is best understood as a pet, blue fish, or pretended
to believe!

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"Because there's no primordial soup;
we all know that, right?" -- Leo Buss