Re: design: purposeful or random?

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 21:18:24 -0600

At 06:40 PM 2/24/97, Gene Dunbar Godbold wrote:
>According to Stephen Jones:
>> >SJ>I am not aware that "Wilder-Smith" or "Gish" actually say that
>> >"evolution" is "in violation of the second law of thermodynamics".
>> >I would invite Brian to post where he or Yockey claims they do. In
>> >his chapter "Creationist Theory: Popular Evolutionist
>> >Misunderstandings", Ratzsch says:

I got lost below on who said what so I snipped it. I can't quote where
Yockey says this but I can quote Gish and Wilder-Smith. Gish clearly states
that evolution is a violation of the second law. He writes:

"Contrary to the Second Law, evolutionists believe that the
universe began with the chaos of the big band, soon generating a
homogeneous mixture of hydrogen and helium gases, and this system
then transformed itself from the simplicity of hydrogen and helium
gases into the incredibly complex universe we have today, including
the human brain with its 120 trillion connections, the most complex
arrangement of matter in the universe. This is a clear violation
of the Second Law."~Duane Gish, "Creation Scientists Answer Their
Critics," (El Cajon: ICR, 1993)p. 161

Gene wrote:

>I heard Dr. Gish speak at UNC several years ago in a debate with a Biology
>professor from Fayeteville, NC. I remember him saying the same thing that
>Brian is alleging--that the second law of thermodynamics prohibits
>evolution. I remember being rather dismayed at the time, because I
>thought he was doing rather well until then.

I too have heard Gish say this in Dallas last year.

As to Wilder-Smith, he too says evolution is contrary of the second law

"And this is precisely what the second law of thermodynamics predicts and
requires: order degenerates with passage of time into increasing randomness
and chaos. this is the universal state of things in this universe in any
closed (islolated) system, barring certain exceptions with which we deal later."
"The theory of evolution teaches, when all the frills are removed,
just the opposite to this state of afairs demanded by the second law of
thermodynamics."A.E. Wilder-Smith, "Man's Origin, Man's Destiny, (Wheaton:
Harold Shaw, 1968), p. 57


Foundation, Fall and Flood