Turing Test and Fossil man

Glenn Morton (grmorton@psyberlink.net)
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 22:49:32 -0600


Now that we have been properly chastized for our misnomer of the Turing
Test, (proper punishment would be for Von Neuman machines Vulcan to move
into our homes and replace the heads of the household with intelligent life

Let me draw this back to the problem of how to determine humanity in the
fossil record. I would submit that, like the Turing test, if the hominid
leaves lots of evidence of having behaved in human ways, that we have little
choice but to classify him and her as human. Primitive humans make huts: H.
erectus made huts, Neanderthal made huts. Humans make jewelry, Neanderthal
made jewellry.
etc etc.

While Jim and others may not agree, I see no other way of determining who is


Foundation, Fall and Flood