Re: Did Adam Evolve?
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 00:41:47 -0800

Dr. Periannan Senapathy has written a book called,
"Independent Birth of Organisms." He is a molecular
genetics who is also a non religious man. He believed in
evolution for many years. He has had several of his
articles published in refereed scientific journals.
He says, "Mutations are passive genetic changes, and are
incapable of evolving new genes, new body parts or new
organisms." "Mutations are only the cause of the production
of similar species of a distinct organism (say the many
different crab species of the organism crab...)"
He covers: split genes and eukaryotes, micro versus macro
evolution, Cambrian explosion, zoology, open reading frames,
homobox genes, gene similarities, fossil record, prokaryotes,
origin of the first cell(s), splice junctions, varying
amounts of junk DNA (introns), exons, etc.
He presents evidence that man and ape are not related.
He has a good discussion on the complexity of an organism.
For example he presents evidence that man is simplier than
prokaryotes. This is because of the way our genes are
constructed versus the genes of prokaryotes. He explains how
man can have some of the same genes as Apes yet be unrelated
to apes. Every unique organism will have unique genes.
Some of his evidence seems to tear the theory of
macro-evolution to shreds. Some of the applicable url's are: or /QA-2 or /QA-3/p1 or p2or3.html
I am not advocating his theory but I certainly plan
on looking at it carefully.
Wayne Mckellips